No matter how far we think we've come, we have a long, long way to go to achieve gender parity. As one of many disheartening statistics, the World Economic Forum predicts it will take over 200 years for the gender pay gap to close. In the face of such data, it seems daunting to try to help solve the societal and structural inequities that have led to this state of affairs. But there is hope. You are evidence of that. If you have read this far, it's probably because you want to help. And you can. For free. And with very little time commitment.
Take one action daily to empower a woman or girl. This can be something as simple as telling a woman or girl in your life that you believe in her. Or, giving her a stretch assignment at work. Or researching something she is interested or talented in and helping her to pursue it. Or positioning her for promotion. Or introducing her to someone who can help her in her chosen endeavor. Or asking her to be on your team. Or encouraging her to write and speak, two competencies vital to success. Or just listening to her dreams and acknowledging that they are possible. Because, they are.
Seeing is believing. So, we'd like to give you a small sticker with our logo that you can put somewhere where you will see it daily, like your phone or computer. If you send us your email we will send you a sticker. When you see it, hopefully it will prompt you to do something to empower a girl or woman in your life. Because, what do you have to lose? Better yet, what do we all have to gain?
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